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Types of Robots and Their Applications - Guardforce

Types of Robots & Applications

We can already see a variety of robots used for different applications in the world today, and as technology advances, robots are likely to play a greater and greater role in our lives. The different types of robots and their applications vary greatly, from industrial robots to concierge robots at commercial buildings.

In our post on How Does Facial Recognition Work With Electronic Security Systems?, we looked at two types of robots used for events and building control. In this post, we will take a closer look at them as well as other common types of robots and their functions in use today.

Industrial robots

The types of industrial robots in service today vary greatly, but they are usually programmable, articulated arms that are stationary yet capable of moving on various axes. They are used in a number of applications in the manufacture of goods, such as welding, painting and assembly. Industrial robots are extremely quick and precise and offer manufacturers great cost-saving benefits. According to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), there will be around 2.6 million industrial robots in operation by 2019. Industrial robots are also used in outer space for construction and other tasks.

Domestic robots

No doubt you will have seen some domestic robots for sale in stores. These robots are used to perform household chores and include pool cleaning robots, robot vacuum cleaners and gutter cleaning robots. Guardforce Hong Kong also supplies cleaning robots suitable for larger, commercial premises.

Military and emergency response robots

Robots are ideal for use in the military or for emergency response where the situation may be too dangerous for humans. The military use bomb disposal robots and drones among others, and emergency response teams use aerial, ground and underwater search and rescue robots. These types of robots are able to endure harsh conditions and traverse difficult terrain which also makes them suitable for exploration under the sea or even other planets, such as the Mars Curiosity Rover.

Medical robots

The most common type of medical robot you will see is a surgery robot. In robot-assisted surgery, the surgeon controls a robot, either through a telemanipulator or computer, to perform very delicate medical procedures; therefore, reducing the risks involved. In the future, a surgeon may even be able to perform robot-assisted operations remotely from anywhere in the world.

Service robots

Service robots are a broad category of robots used to perform various service-related tasks. The most common types of service robots you will see are concierge robots and hospitality robots. Guardforce Hong Kong, for instance, has launched a concierge robot which automates visitor registration, controls access points through facial recognition and offers multi-media information, making it perfect for commercial buildings, events and exhibitions. Guardforce also has a hospitality robot for malls which provides a shopping guide, a hand shake and chat function and the ability for customers to download coupons. It makes for a perfect, single-point customer service solution.

Security Patrol Robot (Guardforce)

Security robots

Security robots offer significant advantages as they are able to operate 24/7, day or night and in adverse weather conditions. Security robots, such as Guardforce Hong Kong’s Security Patrol Robot, patrol on preset routes, provide remote CCTV surveillance with facial recognition, supply information and can even detect abnormal temperatures and gas leaks among many other functions – this makes them perfect for monitoring industrial parks, power plants, malls, campuses, residential developments and chemical storage facilities. They come in various configurations to fit the location and application needs, and they allow for significant savings on manpower costs.

So, those are some of the most common types of robots and their applications. There are other robots used for research purposes or by hobbyists, but these are the main types in use today. In the next few years, it is likely you will come in contact with more and more of these technological wonders, and the future of robotics looks bright.

Photo credits: Alex Knight 

Photo edit: Hypabeez Media

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